The Benefits of SR 9009 (STENABOLIC)

The Benefits of SR-9009 Stenabolic

Are you looking to increase your physical performance and endurance while losing fat? If so, SR 9009 (STENABOLIC) may be the perfect supplement for you. This powerful compound has been clinically proven to improve athletic endurance and help with weight loss. Let’s take a closer look at exactly how this product works and what it can do for you.

What is SR 9009 (STENABOLIC)?
SR-9009 (STENABOLIC) is a selective androgen receptor modulator (SARM). These compounds* are designed to target specific parts of your body to stimulate muscle growth, fat burning, and improved physical performance. In particular, SR 9009 has been shown to bind itself to certain receptors in the muscles, stimulating them and increasing their ability to produce energy. As a result, users experience increased energy levels and improved endurance during physical activities.

Benefits of SR 9009 (STENABOLIC)
Besides increased energy levels, SR9009 also has several other benefits that make it an attractive option for athletes or anyone looking to improve their physical fitness. For instance, this compound can help burn fat by boosting your metabolism** and improving your body’s ability to process carbohydrates. Additionally, its ability to boost endurance makes it a great choice for those looking to increase their training intensity without having to worry about fatigue setting in too quickly. Finally, because it does not have any estrogenic effects or negative side effects on the cardiovascular system like some other supplements do, it’s a safe option for those who want to stay healthy while still achieving their goals.
In conclusion, if you are looking for an effective way to burn fat while improving your physical performance and endurance then SR-9009 is definitely worth considering. It is safe, clinically tested, and highly efficient when used correctly. So why wait? Start unlocking the full potential of your body today with SR900 9(STENABOLIC)!


What Ostarine (MK-2866) Can Do for You

What Ostarine (Mk-2866) Can Do for You

Have you encountered the term Ostarine (MK-2866) in your fitness journey? This selective androgen receptor modulator (SARM) has been making waves in the spheres of athletics, bodybuilding, and fitness. What makes it such a popular choice? What exactly is Ostarine, and why should anyone consider its use? Let’s embark on a comprehensive exploration.

What’s is Ostarine ?

Ostarine, also recognized by the name MK-2866, belongs to the class of SARMs. It was primarily crafted to tackle issues such as muscle wasting and osteoporosis. Its mode of action involves binding to and activating the androgen receptors in the body, thereby facilitating muscle growth. Ostarine distinguishes itself from other SARMs with its absence of negative effects on vital organs like the liver. This makes it possible to consume orally without the apprehension of adverse outcomes.

Why Take Ostarine: A Look at Its Benefits

The principal advantage of Ostarine is its capacity to stimulate muscle growth sans the application of anabolic steroids. This implies that users can enjoy substantial gains in lean muscle mass* without fretting over the usual side effects that come hand in hand with steroid use. Furthermore, scientific studies suggest that Ostarine can play a pivotal role in reducing fat mass while concurrently promoting lean muscle growth. This unique property positions Ostarine as an optimal supplement for those aspiring to lean out while still achieving strength and size.

In addition to promoting muscle growth, Ostarine has been shown to have a positive impact on bone density. This aspect suggests potential benefits for those grappling with bone-related disorders like osteoporosis. Moreover, certain pieces of research indicate that the intake of Ostarine could help in reducing joint inflammation, thus making it an appealing choice for those dealing with arthritis or joint pain. To cap it off, there is a growing belief among some researchers that Ostarine could potentially enhance mood and cognitive performance in specific individuals.

Ostarine’s unique blend of benefits, spanning from muscle growth, fat loss, bone health, joint relief to potential mood and cognitive enhancements, makes it a standout choice in the realm of SARMs. Whether you’re an athlete looking to enhance your performance, a bodybuilder aiming for lean muscle, or a fitness enthusiast seeking a supplement to support your health and fitness goals, Ostarine offers a multifaceted solution worth considering. As with all supplements, it’s important to use Ostarine responsibly and under the guidance of a healthcare professional to ensure optimal results and safety.

Overall, Ostarine for sale is a safe and effective supplement for those looking to increase their muscle mass without using steroids or other potentially dangerous compounds. Studies have shown that it can help increase lean muscle mass** while reducing fat mass at the same time – making it an ideal choice for anyone looking for a more efficient way of getting leaner while still gaining size and strength. Additionally, there are numerous potential health benefits associated with taking this supplement – making it an excellent choice for anyone looking to improve their overall health and well-being as well as gain muscle!  Whether you’re an athlete or just someone looking to improve your physical performance and health, giving Ostarine a try could be just what you need!


Rad-140 Benefit: A Powerful Supplement for Healthy Muscle Growth

Rad-140 Benefit: a Powerful Supplement for Healthy Muscle Growth

Rad-140, also known as Testolone, is a powerful supplement that has been gaining traction in the bodybuilding world. This selective androgen receptor modulator (SARM) is quickly becoming one of the go-to supplements for athletes and bodybuilders looking to safely increase their muscle mass and strength. But what exactly are the benefits of Rad-140? Let’s take a look.

Rad140 is a synthetic version of testosterone, which has been shown to be extremely effective at increasing muscle mass*, strength, and endurance in users. Studies have found that it can significantly improve muscle growth while minimizing any potential side effects. It’s important to note that this supplement should not be used as an alternative to steroids; rather, it should be used in addition to traditional workouts to get the most from your efforts.

In addition to its impressive muscle building benefits, Rad-140 can also help protect your joints by reducing inflammation and providing support for healthy joint function. It has also been linked to improved cognitive function due to its ability to trigger the release of certain hormones in the brain. This can lead to improved memory retention and better focus during your workouts.

Another major benefit of Rad-140 is its safety profile compared with many other supplements on the market today. Unlike steroids or prohormones, it does not cause long term damage or harm your organs in any way. Additionally, it has no impact on hormone levels like testosterone or estrogen so you don’t have to worry about any undesirable side effects like acne or hair loss.

Rad 140 for sale is quickly becoming one of the most popular supplements on the market today due to its impressive benefits when it comes to building muscle mass and strength while protecting your joints and improving cognitive function at the same time. Its safety profile makes it a great choice for those who want an effective way to build muscle without having any unwanted side effects down the line. If you’re looking for a powerful supplement that will help you reach your fitness goals without compromising your health, then Rad-140 may be just what you need!


Bodybuilding plans, fitness plans and diet

Bodybuilding Plans, Fitness Plans and Diet

Bodybuilding plans and diet

Bodybuilding plans and diet are a struggle for many people. Not everyone has a dream body and those who claim it did not achieve that overnight. However, this can be real over time if it’s done properly. If you want to get in shape and become a contender in the bodybuilding community, you need to follow a few key rules first. You need a plan. Most of all, a bodybuilding plan and a diet.

Realistic Fitness Plans or bodybuilding plans

Having a go to plan is the foundation of your routine. Every athlete and bodybuilder has it; this is the first and more important step of your weight loss or muscle gain. Make sure you have a realistic fitness plan that will get you into shape and makes you feel good and excited.

The first question you need to ask yourself is: what is my goal? Is your goal to just get in shape or is it to improve your heart health? Is it just to eat healthier and drink more water? Each one of these goals requires a different amount of energy from you and is a stepping stone to your fitness plan.

For example, say your goal is to lose 20lbs over the course of 2 weeks. This goal is realistic only if you don’t want to eat. However, to lose that twenty pounds over the course of several months is more realistic. Then your goal would be to be slim and muscled by summer, which can be obtained and easier to manage.

With the first scenario, you’re more likely to become ill and end up binge eating to make up for the fact that your body is being starved. But with the second scenario you can put in the time and effort to plan and execute said plan more effectively. This will help you stay emotionally, mentally, and physically in a better mindset which is beneficial to reach your goals.

An open ended fitness plan or goal would be something else you want to consider.

That way instead of saying “I want to lose 30lbs in 8 months” you can say something along the lines of “I want to improve my cardiovascular system so that I don’t end up with heart disease when I’ll be old”. In this scenario, you’re more inclined to keep on training and you’ll end up noticing a difference not only in your cardiovascular health but in your entire mindset.

Weekly Diet

Don’t worry, that doesn’t mean that fad diets or the boring ones are the way to go. What does exactly a weekly diet means, then? Well, if you don’t love the food you’re eating, you are less likely to keep on eating them. A good example of this is a person that hates broccolis but continues to eat them in hopes that by some miracle they’ll refrain from being slimy while eating them.

So what does a weekly diet plan have to do with you being able to get in shape? A lot actually. You need to make sure you’re providing your body with necessary nutrients, which is important for you whether you want to lose weight or gain muscle.

And contrary to popular belief, you don’t need to decrease your caloric deficit when working to bulk up. Actually, you’d want to raise your intake because you’re more than likely using more energy.

A lot of the equation for planning meals to match your goals is divided between caloric intake, how often you do your training and the frequency in which you eat. For example, if you’re main priority is to bulk up then your “get in shape” goal would be to raise your caloric intake so that your body has more to pull from. However, if your goal is to lose weight and not really worry about your muscle building you’ll want to reduce your caloric intake only slightly.

You may also want to consider the frequency and cohesion of what you eat. For example, to eat chips and to eat celery will supply you with two very different kinds of energy. While the chips is a tasty treat you’re eating more carbs which will end up making you feel bloated later on. But if you end up eating the celery you’ll feel less bloated later on and get more energy from your snack.

Different exercises for bodybuilding

The final piece to your goal to get in shape is the use of a variety of exercises. Why should the types of exercises matter if you’re trying to lose weight and build muscle? It’s actually quite simple.

Introducing a variety of exercises to your training will provide relief to your body, on your joints and muscles. You will be less likely to cause yourself an injury if you go that way. Overstressing your muscles and joints is a good way of causing damage and you surely don’t want that.

It is important to give your body time to relax and recovering. So we recommend to split up your favorite exercise with others, for example, weight lifting with a bit of cardio, and you’re more likely to get in shape faster.

Diet – Supplements To Get In Shape

Now, if you’re like many and have plateaued over the course of your fitness routine then your body might need some extra help. This typically comes in the form of supplements. One such supplement is MK-677*(Ibutamoren). It is a SARM, or selective androgen receptor modulator, which helps your body build muscle and raise your growth hormone secretion to support your muscle gain.

Where To Buy Ostarine And Cardarine To Get In Shape

While there are several online stores to buyostarine and cardarine, the one we have for you has trusted high quality products all around. It is simply the best on the market and our customers are more than happy with their products.

Learn more about MK-677


What is Ibutamoren (MK 677)?

Semaglutide Peptides

Advancements in modern medicine have provided us with new solutions to age-old problems. One of these miracle medicines is MK-677, also known as ibutamorin. This is a popular medication that increases lean body mass. This drug comes with multiple benefits that can improve your overall health and mentality.

If you are intrigued about the ways in which MK-677 can benefit you and improve your lifestyle, keep reading. In this article, we explain everything you need to know about MK-677: what it is, what it’s used for, how it works, its benefits, its side effects and more.

What is Ibutamoren MK-677?

Ibutamoren MK-677 is a drug that works by increasing the human growth hormone and the insulin-like growth factor 1.

The way in which it achieves an increase in growth hormone levels is by accurately replicating the action of the hormone ghrelin. Ghrelin is a hormone which is associated with hunger and is closely linked to our body’s circadian rhythm, which is what regulates our internal clock. Clinical studies on the effects of ibutamoren MK-677 show that it leads to an increase in appetite due to the increase in the hunger hormone. It can also affect your mood, biological rhythm, memory and cognition.

What is Ibutamoren used for?

Ibutamoren is used to treat various ailments, as well as to increase muscle mass for people who are working on their bodies. MK-677 increases growth hormones and also promotes a lean body mass. It is therefore often taken by individuals who are seeking to build muscles and improve their strength.

In addition to building muscle, it also helps to prevent muscle wasting. Studies have found it to have a positive effect on people suffering from catabolic conditions. Other areas of use for ibutamoren include things such as improving an individual’s sleep cycle, reducing the effects of ageing and generally aiding people in living longer, more fulfilled lives.

The fact that the active growth hormone reduces in activity when we get older means that taking MK-677 and promoting additional production and increase of growth hormone levels provides what many are missing in old age. Ibutamoren is used for a variety of different things, whilst some choose to take it to improve the appearance of their bodies by increasing muscle mass, others take it for the positive effects it can have on their sleep.

Is MK-677 a steroid?

No, MK-677 is not a steroid. MK 677* treatment is purely a growth hormone treatment. It is often confused by people to be a steroid due to the fact that it has many of the same effects as steroids. Many people who take steroids do so to improve muscle mass, gain strength and improve their athletic performance, which MK-677 can do.

The main difference between MK-677 and steroids is the fact that MK-677 promotes the production of hormones which are already naturally occurring in your body, whereas steroids introduce substances into your body.

Is MK-677 good for bulking?

Yes, MK-677 is ideal for bulking. Due to the fact that it promotes the increase of your growth hormone, MK-677 helps individuals increase muscle density and muscle mass.

Moreover, MK-677 can also improve your overall general athletic performance.

MK-677 can be used for multiple different things, such as dieting. It can also promote a lean body and is therefore regularly taken for weight loss reasons. It’s important for you to know the correct way to consume the drug for it to have the effect you are looking for.

The importance and benefits of training 

How does Ibutamoren MK-677 work?

MK-677 is taken through oral administration. It should be taken with a glass of water daily, at a dose of 25 mg. Depending on what you are taking MK-677 for, you should take it at a different moment of the day. If you are taking it for bulking purposes, consuming it in the morning on an empty stomach is ideal, whereas if you want it for weight loss purposes, taking it in the evening is optimal.

The drug works to mimic the ghrelin hormone by binding onto receptors in the brain, subsequently promoting the production of your growth hormones. It is the increased production of growth hormones which affords the drug all the benefits that come with it.

What are the benefits of MK-677?

The are many benefits to MK-677. Different people take it for different reasons, depending on what they want to achieve.

Gain muscle mass

Gaining muscle mass is a top reason why many take MK-677. The combination of the secretion of your growth hormones and the release of IGF-1 in your liver creates the perfect combination to improve protein synthesis and increase strength. 

Moreover, this winning combination increases nitrogen retention which improves recovery time, meaning you will be able to perform at a better, more intense rate. This intense ability to train will additionally aid in your muscle growth.

Prevents muscle wastage

MK-677 prevents muscle wastage. This is beneficial not for people who are looking to bulk up, but people who are simply looking to avoid becoming frail and vulnerable. It is therefore consumed by the elderly or malnourished who are more susceptible to muscle wastage. The effects of the hormone increase help slow or completely reverse the effects of muscle wastage. 

Why healthy eating is important

Increases bone density

MK-677 is known to improve bone mineral density. There are many groups of people within the population who suffer from low and decreased bone density, such as obese individuals, older people and women who are experiencing menopause. As MK-677 can affect bone turnover, it can also increase bone density and improve the lives of individuals.

Better sleep

The growth hormone is known to improve the quality and longevity of a person’s sleep schedule. Those with a growth hormone deficiency often find it difficult sleeping, so taking MK-677 helps people sleep better. The benefits of ibutamoren for your sleep extend beyond simply a better quality of sleep, it is also believed to improve the duration that you are in a deep sleep for.


What are the side effects of MK-677?

Although there are a wide range of benefits attached to MK-677, there are also side effects associated with the medication.

Here is a list of the possible side effects of MK-677 treatment that you should be aware of:

  • Muscle cramps
  • Increased appetite
  • Edema
  • Effect insulin sensitivity
  • Insulin resistance
  • Lethargy
  • Joint pain
  • Increased prolactin levels

What should I stack with MK-677?

What you stack with MK-677 will depend on what you are trying to achieve. For example, if you want to achieve weight loss, you should stack it with Cardarine as this combination will promote fat burning. If fat loss is your goal, you also have the option to stack it with other SARMs such as S23.

If muscle and overall weight gain is your goal, stacking with fat burning combinations is what you want to stay away from. Instead, stacking with things such as testolone will help you achieve the ultimate bulking goals.

High quality SARMs stacks from Canada

Buy MK-677

If you are looking to gain muscle and want a one stop shop for all things bulking, SARMS Revolution Lab is your best ally. We understand how important it is to find a routine that works for you, which often includes the addition of supplements to aid in reaching your goals.

That is why we offer a wide range of SARMs to make sure you reach your goals faster. In addition to offering individual SARMs we also offer SARM stacks which are elite combinations, proven to help you achieve the gains you desire.

Some of our SARM stacks which feature MK-677 include:

Buy MK-677


What Are ​​Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators (SARMS)?

Semaglutide Peptides

If you are just beginning your muscle gain and bulking journey, or if you have begun and are failing to see results, you might not be optimising your body’s natural functions adequately in order to develop muscle and achieve the gains you want. 

One of the best-kept secrets amongst the body building and strength training community is the use of SARMs. Similar to steroids, but not quite the same, SARMs are a performance-enhancing drug that can help you reach your goals. As many people are unaware of what SARMs are, we created this expert guide that covers everything from how they work to their benefits and side effects. 

What are SARMs?

Selective androgen receptor modulators (SARMs) are performance enhancement drugs which are designed to promote muscle building and gain. They are often confused with steroids due to the fact that they offer many of the same effects and benefits surrounding muscle growth, but they are actually different supplements.

Whilst androgenic steroids tend to promote testosterone linked properties, SARMs target your muscles without interfering with any other part of your body. Essentially, SARMs target specific androgen receptors which are needed in order to develop and grow muscle mass in different parts of the body.

Are SARMs considered a drug?

Yes, SARMs are considered a drug, although they are unapproved drugs as they have not been officially recognised by the Food and Drug administration. They are often misbranded as dietary supplements or nutritional supplements. However, they should not be considered supplements, but rather drugs. 

Just with any kind of drug, it is essential that you fully understand what is in it, how it will help your body and the possible side effects. As this is not a drug that is officially approved by any board, it is advisable that you seek the guidance of a healthcare professional before taking SARMs.

Despite not being officially recognised, it is a drug which has gained a lot of attention over the past few years. With 20 years of clinical research and studies behind them, SARMs are taken by more and more people.

Are SARMs legal to buy?

Yes, SARMs are legal to buy. As there has been research surrounding SARMs and studies have been carried out for many years with consistently positive results, they have not been classed as an illegal drug. 

They are not placed in the same class of drugs that drugs such as cocaine and MDMA are in due to the fact that they are not generally taken as recreational drugs and provide potential treatment avenues for individuals suffering from different ailments and conditions. 

What are the different types of SARMs?

As SARMs are so specific in the areas of the body that they target, there are different types of SARMs. 

Cardarine (GW-501516) 

Cardarine or endurobol is a SARM that has been shown to induce weight loss and muscle growth. It works by helping the body break down fat to use it for energy. It is also effective in reducing inflammation and addressing muscle wasting that can be triggered by medical conditions such as AIDS or cancer.

Benefits of Cardarine: 

  • Huge endurance increase
  • Allows muscles to work harder and longer
  • Fat burning
  • Can help maintain heart and arteries
  • Improves sleep

Buy Cardarine 

Ostarine (MK-2866) 

Ostarine is a SARM that binds the androgen receptor, subsequently increasing gene expression and protein synthesis, which inevitably leads to muscle growth. This particular SARM mimics testosterone, which aids in muscle and bone development. 

Working as a multipurpose SARM, Ostarine can be used by both individuals looking to cut and individuals looking to bulk. One of the key strengths of this SARM is the fact that it has no known side effects, making it a safe option to try if you are a beginner. 

Benefits of Ostarine

  • Produces significant muscle gains
  • Increases endurance
  • Improves the body’s natural strength
  • Contributes to good overall health

Buy Ostarine

Lingandrol (LGD-4033) 

Ligandrol is one of the most powerful SARMs available so it is essential that you fully understand everything it has to offer. This is a fast-working SARM which helps individuals develop lean muscle mass. People who are lacking in testosterone generally use it since it is widely considered an adequate replacement due to the properties it possesses and the benefits it affords. 

Benefits of ligandrol: 

  • Promotes lean muscle and muscle strength
  • It can heal, strengthen and increase bone mass
  • Stimulates overall well being

Buy Ligandrol 

Ibutamoren (MK-677) 

This SARM promotes the activity of the growth hormone. By increasing the growth hormone production, Ibutamoren helps increase muscle gain. This SARM can also help with your sleep schedule and quality as the growth hormone which it promotes is linked to your body’s internal clock which regulates your sleep cycle. 

Benefits of ibutamoren: 

  • Stop muscle wastage even during fasting
  • Increases energy levels
  • Improves appetite
  • Accelerate the reduction of body fat
  • Proven to increase muscle mass

Buy Ibutamoren 

Testolone (RAD-140) 

Testolone is a SARM which improves muscle mass, strength, bone strength, stamina and energy levels as well as decreases fat tissues thanks to an increase in muscle anabolic effects. 

Benefits of testolone: 

  • Huge improvements in muscle mass and muscular strength
  • Improvement of bone strength
  • Increase of lean body mass
  • Produces high stamina and energy levels
  • Protects brain against age-related damage
  • Boosts testosterone levels
  • Decreases fat tissue by increasing muscle anabolic effects

Buy testolone

Stenabolic (SR-9009)

Stenabolic is known as a new and powerful SARM, although it is not really a SARM, but rather a PPAR alpha receptor agonist drug. It is a compound that increases performance and cardiovascular capacity. It was designed for weightlifters, athletes and bodybuilders but it improves the overall health and quality of life of anyone who uses it.

Benefits of stenabolic: 

  • Facilitates weight loss
  • Fat levels diminish rapidly
  • Increases endurance dramatically
  • Increases recovery time
  • Improves sleep patterns

Buy stenabolic 

Andarine (S4)

Andarine is actually the most androgenic and least anabolic of all SARMs. It’s a powerful medication used to lose difficult stomach fat. Andarine is used by weight lifters and athletes to cut down their muscle to fat ratio and expand vitality. 

Benefits of andarine: 

  • Improves muscle quality
  • Builds fat misfortune
  • Builds bone quality and thickness
  • Lessens lipoprotein lipase (LPL)
  • Assists with keeping up and incrementing bulk during the cutting stage
  • Keeps the body from going in a catabolic state
  • Oxidizes fat for clients on a low-calorie diet
  • Doesn’t prompt aromatization or gynecomastia in men
  • Doesn’t bring about the advancement of manly attributes in ladies

Buy andarine

How do SARMs work?

SARMs work by targeting a single androgen in your body, usually one that is linked to the skeletal system, which is why it is beneficial for muscle growth. Once attached, the receptors begin to promote various properties of hormones which are specific and targeted to do the exact job they are supposed to, hence their effectiveness in treating different illnesses or building muscle. 

How to take SARMs

What are the benefits of SARMs?

  • They can mimic the benefits of testosterone
  • They reduce body fat  
  • They increase muscle gain 
  • They targeted lean muscle gain 
  • They can be used as treatment for muscle wasting 
  • They increase bone density 
  • They are less risky than steroids
  • They improve performance 
  • They reduce joint or bone pain/injuries

Discover the benefits of SARMS for yourself

What are the side effects of SARMs?

Despite there being a lot of benefits to taking SARMs, you cannot overlook their side effects and possible health risks. Like with all medication and drugs, SARMs have the ability to produce adverse effects, so it is important to be aware of what they are. 

Here are possible side effects of taking selective androgen receptor modulators (SARMS):

  • Mood swings 
  • Decreased testicular size
  • Acne 
  • Increased risk of heart attack 
  • Liver toxicity

Can SARMs be found in dietary supplement products?

Technically, SARMs should not be found in dietary supplement products, as they are their own drug. However, sometimes traces of SARMs are found in dietary supplement products. These products will inform you if that is the case.

If you are interested in taking SARMs, it is advisable that you separate your search from dietary products as they offer two different things. You should be fully knowledgeable about both of these kinds of products before you consume them!

SARMs and post-cycle therapy

Are SARMs safe for use?

Yes, SARMs are safe for use. SARMs have been being studied for over 20 years, and there is plenty of research and studies that demonstrate the benefits they provide. Despite not being officially recognised by a board or federation, it does not make them any less safe. 


If you are looking for bodybuilding products, or any kind of product that can help you reach your bulking goals, SARMs revolution lab is your best ally. We distribute only the highest quality SARMs on the market. We are aware that our prices are not the lowest available, but with that extra money, you will have peace of mind that you are receiving pure and untampered products, which is essential when putting things into your body. 

Whether you are looking for specific SARMs to help promote specific types of muscle growth or of you are looking for a stack that provides you with optimum results, we have what you are looking for. 

Here are the different types of SARM stacks we sell depending on your goal: 

 Purchase SARM stacks

The importance and benefits of training

The Importance and Benefits of Training

The importance and benefits of training

We know that staying active is one of the best ways to keep our bodies healthy. But did you know that it can also improve your general well-being and your quality of life? Regular physical activity can relieve stress, anxiety, depression and anger. Do you know what “good feeling” you feel after being active? Imagine it as a happiness pill with no side effects. Most people feel better over time when physical activity becomes an integral part of their lives.

It keeps you healthy and in good physical shape.

Without regular activity, the body slowly loses its strength, endurance and ability to function properly. It’s like the old saying, “Man doesn’t stop playing because he ages, he ages because he stops playing.” Exercise increases muscle strength, which, in turn, increases your ability to perform other physical activities.

Spending too much time sitting and other sedentary activities can increase your risk of heart disease and stroke. A study has shown that adults who watch more than 4 hours of television a day have an 80% higher risk of death from cardiovascular disease.

Being more active can help you do the following:

  • Lower blood pressure
  • Increase good cholesterol levels
  • Improves blood circulation (circulation)
  • Keep the weight under control
  • Avoid loss of bone mass which can cause osteoporosis
  • Gain flexibility
  • Improve cardiovascular capacity
  • Increase muscle mass
  • Training can help you live longer.

It is true that 70 is the new 60, but only if you are in good health. Physically active, healthy-weight people live about seven years longer than those who are not active and obese. And the important part is that these extra years are generally healthier years. Staying active delays or prevents chronic diseases and conditions associated with aging. As a result, active adults maintain their quality of life and independence for longer.

Here are some of the benefits you can get from regular physical activity:

  • Helps you quit smoking and live tobacco-free.
  • Increase the energy level to do more.
  • It helps you control stress and tension.
  • It promotes a positive attitude and outlook.
  • It helps you sleep faster and deeper.
  • Improves image and self-confidence.
  • It will help you spend more time outdoors.

Move more, gradually more intensely and sit less. You don’t have to make big changes in your life to see the benefits. Start by incorporating more activity into your day, step by step.

What if I am recovering from a heart attack or stroke?

Some people are afraid to exercise after a heart attack. However, regular physical activity can reduce your chances of having another heart attack. If you have had a heart attack or stroke, talk to your doctor before you start exercising to make sure you are following a safe and effective physical activity program.

It is not necessary to do them every day; the variety helps keep the body healthy and fit, and makes exercise interesting. You can do a wide variety of exercises to make your physical activity routine fun. There are many different types of exercise that can improve strength, endurance, flexibility, and balance. For example, practicing yoga can improve your balance, strength and flexibility. Many lower body strength training exercises will also improve your balance. Weight training offers a wide range of benefits for the body such as weight loss, muscle or strength gains and allows athletes to physically prepare for certain sports.

The importance of working with flexibility

Flexibility exercises stretch the muscles and help maintain the flexibility of the body. These exercises may not improve your endurance, but flexibility gives you more freedom of movement for other exercises, as well as for your daily activities. A flexible muscle is a strong muscle. Working on the flexibility of a muscle increases its potential for strength. It can also help you avoid discomfort when you are in tight spaces for a long time (such as a long meeting or an airplane flight).

When should I stretch?

The best time to do flexibility exercises is when the muscles are already warm, so that you can stretch them more without tension or pain. If you’re only doing stretching exercises, start by walking for a few minutes to warm up your muscles. If you are doing resistance or strength exercises, stretch afterwards, not before.

How long should it last?

It is a good idea to do each exercise 3 to 5 times during each stretching session. Always stretch slowly and gently to the desired position, as long as it is comfortable and painless. Do what works best for you. If you are not used to the stretch, hold the stretch for about 10 seconds. The more you stretch, the easier it will be. Over time, you can comfortably hold each stretch for 30 seconds.

Tips for safe stretching:

Relax and breathe normally while stretching. Then stretch by exhaling slowly through your mouth. Count to 10 slowly or for 10 to 30 seconds. Breathe normally while stretching.

A stretch should always be smooth and slow, never sudden or in motion. This can cause muscle tension and injury. Hold the stretch for 10-30 seconds and repeat each stretch 3-5 times. Remember to breathe normally with each stretch.

As you become more flexible, try to stretch more with each exercise. It is normal for mild pain to occur during a stretch. More severe, very annoying pain, or joint pain means you have to stop because you are stretching too much. Always keep your joints slightly bent, never “fixed” in an upright position. This can cause injury.

Training to gain muscle mass requires a regular increase in intensity.

To progress in training to gain muscle mass, it is essential to progress regularly, that is to say to increase the weights used during training. During training, the muscles must reach the limit to establish a training stimulus to which the muscle adapts. Thanks to this adaptation, the muscle grows and becomes stronger to better withstand the effort the next time. This effect is called super compensation. It may be helpful to keep a training journal. This can record the number of sets, the weights used and the “sensations” felt during training. With the training log, you can see the progress very well (permanent increase in strength) and you can make intermittent adjustments to the training plan. When training to gain muscle mass, the focus should be on functional exercises, that is, performing basic exercises regularly that work large muscle groups instead of forming small muscle groups. in isolation. Beginners can compose their training to gain full muscle mass from basic exercises. However, the advanced level sessions should also be composed of at least 40% to 60% of functional movements such as bench press, squat and deadlift.

When training to gain muscle mass, it is essential to work the legs to the same extent as the rest of the body. This prevents optical and orthopedic imbalances. In addition, demanding leg exercises benefit the whole body. For example, squats also strengthen the back and abdominal muscles. This type of training not only builds muscles, but also improves all coordination skills and prepares you for the challenges of everyday life.

Training to gain muscle mass is a matter of patience

Muscle mass does not increase overnight. Results are only achieved in the medium term when the same value is given to the three components (training, nutrition and regeneration), so it takes commitment and patience.

The good news is that, in principle, all bodies are capable of creating quality muscle mass. With disciplined training, even beginners can gain up to 2-5 lbs of muscle per month, sometimes more depending on genetics and the work done.

Training plan to gain muscle mass

Non-professional athletes often lack the plan necessary for specific training to gain muscle mass. Despite the fact that the first months of training are generally successful, the so-called stagnation is soon reached. Training to gain muscle mass stagnates after a few weeks if the effort and caloric intake is not increased.

If a person continues to train like this, in the medium term, he remains below his possibilities. If the muscle groups are generally not trained in a balanced way and the relation between the phases of training and regeneration is not adequate, this lack of method leads to ineffectiveness.

For this reason, for beginners and experienced athletes, it is necessary to develop a training plan to gain muscle mass and to follow it consistently for several weeks.

Intensity techniques for training to earn muscle mass

The progress of training to gain muscle mass slows down over time, which is completely normal. However, you not only have to settle for stagnant weights and optical evolution, but you can overcome it with new training stimuli. Here are some intensity techniques that can be flexibly incorporated into training to gain muscle mass and bring success and variety to your training routine.


This intensity technique is one of the most popular in training to gain muscle mass. In a reduction series, you train to muscle failure; the weight is then reduced as quickly as possible and the training continues immediately. This cycle can be repeated several times per exercise.


In negative repetitions, only the return movement of an exercise is performed with help, while a training partner helps in the muscle relaxation phase (the so-called eccentric movement). This phase is therefore carried out more slowly.

Example: In the bench press, the training partner helps to push the barbell to fully extend the arms. Then the bar is lowered unaided, retaining the heavy load throughout the eccentric movement.

Negative repetitions are very useful in training to gain muscle mass, since they require eccentric force, that is, the ability of muscles to slow down movements. They also improve intramuscular coordination and can be the first step in learning how to perform many exercises with body weight, such as pull-ups.


In the so-called super-sets or superseries, two exercises are always performed in a row, without a break. These can combine two opposite muscle groups, called antagonists, but it is also possible to work together on the same part of the body.

In conclusion

Physical and / or sporting activity is beneficial at any age. It decreases overall mortality from any cause and in doing so increases life expectancy. Training reduces the cardiovascular risk, the thromboembolic risk, plays a decisive role in the prevention of type 2 diabetes, in the onset of colon and breast cancer, in the genesis of cognitive and depressive disorders. Having more muscle mass helps keep your metabolism faster and prevents many injuries. Adopting an active lifestyle or maintaining it brings only benefits to all human beings!

Post-cycle therapies and testosterone

Post-cycle Therapies and Testosterone

In the world of bodybuilding supplements, there have been a lot of floating theories regarding Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) associated with MRSA cycles. Do SARMs Really Require a PCT? Well the answer is yes and no. Indeed, it all depends on the SARM used and for how long. For example, a RAD-140 cycle at 20 mg per day for 12 weeks will result in a lot of suppression of natural hormones, so will a cycle of Ostarine or LGD 20 to 30 mg every day for 8 weeks. On the other hand, GW-501516 (Cardarine) and SR-9009 (Stenabolic) are SARMs that do not really require post cycle therapy because they do not have a negative impact on the production of natural hormones.

MRSA and blood tests

It is always a good option to have your blood test done before starting a cycle of MRSA. This will help you find a specific SARM where several SARMs may be impacting your testosterone levels. Also, the blood test will give you full confirmation whether post cycle treatment is really needed or not. A good PCT will be ideal if your hormones are in the lower ranges. In other words, it’s best to do as much research as possible on the SARMs that you are looking to experience.

Stopping the hormone

The human body has a unique mechanism of action. It inhibits the production of natural hormones to a partial or complete extent when an anabolic androgenic compound, drug, or SARM is consumed. The body detects an abundance of androgens and therefore signals the hypothalamus to reduce the excretion of gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH) which is responsible for the release of follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and l luteinizing hormone (LH).

This results in reduced production of FSH and LH which in turn sends signals from the Leydig cells in the testes to naturally stop producing enough or not enough testosterone.

Post Cycle Therapy – The Role of PCT

The main goal of post cycle therapy is to quickly restore the body’s natural hormone production and signal the resumption of natural testosterone production.

The duration of post cycle therapy can be referred to as a period after the end of a cycle of MRSA. This is when the body needs a balance of medication, nutrition, sleep, and other specific compounds to regulate hormones. For this, you need to take medications that can target estrogen and / or testosterone. There is no denying that SARMs are less of an anabolic steroid suppressant, but there may be instances where certain hormones in the body may have been affected, suppressed, or gleaned. Post Cycle Therapy is always recommended as it acts as a rejuvenating course to treat unhealthy hormonal imbalance and restore normal and natural secretion of different hormones.

The PCT is not without a goal. There are many issues that this form of recovery goals and directions. There is an abundance of androgens in the body when SARMs are administered. There are cases when the levels of luteinizing hormone and follicle stimulating hormone are reduced and cause the production of testosterone by the testes to stop.

This is the reason why some men suffer from testicular atrophy (a noticeable decrease in the testicles). A well planned and executed PCT helps restore normal organ function and the processing of all affected hormones. It is important that post cycle therapy is always planned in advance. There is no point in rushing to the nearest MRSA store to purchase PCT drugs after signs of excessive estrogen formation finally appear.

Explanation of PCT and SARMs

SARMs are nonsteroidal compounds that were originally developed to have the same beneficial effects as anabolic androgenic steroids, but without the side effects of steroids. This is because SARMs, unlike steroids, have a selective mechanism of action. Otherwise, they lead to less suppression of natural hormones and fewer side effects than anabolic steroids.

However, SARMs like all medicines can react differently in very rare cases (especially when overdosed or include different compounds that are mentioned on the label with malicious intent to sell) and this is when PCT and aromatase inhibitors (IA) come in. The image. It’s worth remembering here that it’s always best to end a cycle of MRSA with post cycle therapy anyway to stay on the safer side.

MRSA and post cycle therapy

Post Cycle Therapy is always recommended after a cycle of strong medication, and MRSA cycles are no exception. PCT is extremely helpful in maintaining strength, warding off fat, preventing gynecomastia, oily skin, and acne. On the other hand, post cycle therapy is also found to be helpful in maintaining the feeling of well being and maintaining cycle gains for a long time. In addition to these benefits, PCT is also helpful in providing the body with the nutrients and compounds it needs to stay strong.

Remember that a good PCT helps your body get through the time when the link (hypothalamic-pituitary-testicular axis) is in recovery mode and the body begins to produce its own natural testosterone.

In order to maintain cycle gains, it is important that calorie consumption is equal to or greater than what it was during the cycle. However, many users can end up gaining fat and weight if they consume too many calories. But they forget that the body needs more time to get used to the new muscle.

Calories are one of the most critical aspects of post cycle therapy, though often the most overlooked. It is important to note here that the body’s endocrine system may not function optimally after a cycle of MRSA. The human body craves homeostasis (a state of maintaining healthy blood pressure) and very often finds itself in a state after a cycle in which it has gained mass for which it had not been used.

Some key foods

The egg is a testosterone booster! Omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin D, cholesterol and the proteins they contain are all essential for the production of testosterone. Egg yolk also contains zinc, a nutrient that helps in the synthesis of testosterone.

Avocado contains vitamin B6, potassium and zinc, three of the substances known to have testosterone boosting effects.

Eating beef also has positive effects on testosterone levels. Very rich in proteins, zinc and saturated fatty acids, it optimizes the testosterone levels in the body. Conversely, eating a meatless diet can lower testosterone levels. Consumed raw, garlic contributes to good testosterone levels. Its salicin content may be responsible for stimulating the release of the hormone LH, which increases the flow of testosterone.

Ginger is said to derive its reputation as aphrodisiac from the impact it has on testosterone levels. On the other hand, it should be consumed regularly to know the effects. It is thanks to its richness in selenium that tuna has positive effects on our testosterone.

Tuna is also very rich in vitamin D and omega-3, two elements that stimulate the production of testosterone.

Oatmeal is rich in vitamin D, which is good for testosterone levels. On the other hand, this cereal contains a compound called avenacoside, which allows testosterone to flow more freely through our body (by reducing the levels of another hormone).

Cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, broccoli… Crucifers stimulate the production of testosterone. This is because they contain a phytonutrient called indole -3-carbinol (IC3), which has a positive effect on testosterone by reducing the activity of an enzyme that converts free testosterone into estrogen (the female hormone).

The best post cycle drugs for MRSA


Clomid is a post cycle therapy drug which has the ability to inhibit the formation of estrogen. It prevents estrogen from entering the pituitary glands of the body which would otherwise have been caused to produce luteinizing hormone and other results in abnormally high levels of testosterone. Of course, this is only a temporary phenomenon and this manipulation stops on its own once Clomid is released.


Nolvadex (Tamoxifen Citrate) is a PCT drug tested to restore healthy levels of testosterone in the body after a steroid cycle, pro hormone cycle, or SARM cycle. This can, in turn, help reduce the body’s stress hormones or cortisol.

Dosage of a medicated PCT

The average recovery time for post cycle therapy is 4-6 weeks or even longer depending on a wide range of factors. This includes, but is not limited to, the type of steroid or pro hormone or SARM cycle, the doses of SARM used, how your system is functioning, the length of the SARM cycle, etc.

An ideal PCT dosing schedule will involve an initial load which is followed by a reduced dosing schedule for the remainder of post cycle therapy. For example, a PCT with Clomid 100/100/50/50 and Nolvadex 40/40/20/20. Doses are initially high for weekly doses of both compounds, then halved during the last 2 weeks of PCT [Clomid 100 mg per week for the first 2 weeks and Nolvadex 40 mg per week for the first 2 weeks, followed by Clomid 50 mg per week for 2 weeks and Nolvadex 20 m per week for the last 2 weeks].

Effective natural supplements

Tongkat-Ali – Eurycoma longifolia, or tongkat-ali is a plant also known as Malaysian ginseng which has been used for centuries to improve energy efficiency and libido while increasing free testosterone.

Vitamin D – Vitamin D is an essential nutrient for the immune system and tissues. Vitamin D supplementation can also help increase testosterone levels. An adult male should ensure that he is getting 600 IU / 15 mcg per day until he is 70 years old and 800 IU / 20 mcg per day thereafter.

Zinc – Zinc is a type of mineral that is essential for the production of sufficient testosterone. Men need to increase their zinc intake as they age to support this action.

Maca Root – Maca root (Lepidium meyeneii) increases the amount of testosterone the body produces while helping to inhibit the production of estrogen.

BCAAs – Branched Chain Amino Acids, or BCAAs are three essential amino acids – leucine, isoleucine, and valine that support healthy testosterone levels while aiding in the development of strong, lean muscle mass, which can be lost as we age.

Horny Goat Weed – The name says it all. Horny goat weed, or Epimedium grandiflorum, can help fight low libido or sex drive, which is a common side effect of testosterone deficiency.

In conclusion, post cycle therapy after a cycle of selective androgen receptor modulators is not mandatory, but it will ensure a full and healthy balance of hormone levels. Taking natural supplements is highly recommended because they all have an additional beneficial effect on long term health. Remember to supplement PCT with proper nutrition, adequate sleep, hydration, and intense training.